Much Needed!
My mind has always been scattered - always racing - every day all day long. I feel like I never get to rest. I tried Calm 2 years ago and couldnt keep with it. In addition, I went back to college two years ago. My kids are grown and living away far away - which I really want for them to have great lives - but it makes it stressful at times to be so far away - our first grandchild was just born and our daughter just got married. I need to really practice mindfulness to find a way to quiet all the voices that tell me that Im missing out all the time and leave me vulnerable and feeling alone. I have a great husband and life right now and Id like to live in the present moment of each day and really enjoy them!! I need this app to help me reach that state - for my own mental health and to be a wiser counselor for my grown kids!
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